Range of Services
The following range of consulting services is offered by EnviroGulf Consulting and associate subconsultants to clients:
Environmental Planning:
- Early environmental input to project design.
- Integrated planning guidelines.
- Permitting and approvals.
Environmental Management:
- Project management.
- Management and co-ordination of multidisciplinary teams.
- Government liaison.
- Staff training and induction.
Environmental Management Plans (EMP):
- Critical reviews of existing EMPs
- Preparation of construction environmental management plans (CEMP).
- Preparation of operational environmental management plans (OEMP).
- Preparation of Abandonment or Closure EMPs
Environmental Review:
- Environmental review and audit.
- Environmental troubleshooting.
- Peer reviews of reports, documents and papers.
- Constructive, critical appraisals of EIA Documents.
Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA):
- Preparation of EIA documents, such as EPBC Referrals, PER, etc.
- Environmental surveys.
- Water quality investigations.
- Ecotoxicological investigations.
- Assimilative capacity analysis.
Underwater Noise Impact Assessments:
- Screening level underwater noise impact assessments.
- Impulsive and non-impulsive noise sources.
- Assessment of acoustic damage and disturbance effects on marine fauna.
- Noise impacts on noise-sensitive marine fauna.
- Noise mitigation and management measures.
Environmental Monitoring
- Environmental Monitoring design, planning and implementation.
- Baseline/inventory monitoring.
- Compliance monitoring.
- Sampling and analysis planning.
- Biomonitoring and surveillance.
- Aquatic biological surveys.
Environmental Biology:
- Lotic, lentic and marine ecology.
- Freshwater and marine fish population appraisals.
- Aquatic biological sampling.
- Aquatic resource use surveys.
Aquatic Toxicology:
- Ecotoxicological assessment.
- Design and supervision of toxicity testwork.
- Predictive toxicity assessments.
- Contaminant pathway analysis.
- Effluent discharge optimisation.
Environmental Risk Assessment:
- Preliminary risk assessment.
- Hazard identification.
- Dose-response and exposure assessment.
- Risk characterisation.
- Ecological risk assessment.
Information Management:
- Data processing.
- Statistical analysis.
- Computer programming.
- Quality assurance/quality control.
- Expert testimony.
Detailed capability and experience summaries are presented in other web pages of this website (see left-hand menu).
Specialised Services
The Principal of EnviroGulf Consulting has long term experience in the assessment and evaluation of the physico-chemical impacts and biological effects of waste and wastewater discharges to freshwater, estuarine and marine environments. EnviroGulf Consulting has pioneered an integrated approach to water quality management based on water quality, ecotoxicology and aquatic biological community assessment, and this forms a core component of our specialised consulting services offered to clients.
Specialist areas:
- Aquatic environmental impacts of mining wastes and wastewaters.
- Aquatic environmental impacts of oil & gas industry wastes and wastewaters.
- Marine biological impacts of underwater sound.
- Marine biological impacts of ac and dc electromagnetic fields.
- Aquatic biological impacts of cyanide wastes and wastewaters.
- Environmental upgrade assessments of offshore oil and gas production facilities.
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