Environmental Monitoring
A sound program of environmental management and monitoring enables public and private sector clients to continually assess the impacts of their development projects and operations on the environment, and to take remedial action where unacceptable impacts are indicated.
EnviroGulf Consulting undertakes the planning, commissioning and execution of monitoring programs in relation to receiving freshwater, estuarine and marine ecosystems. The programs are designed to satisfy environmental quality objectives and the requirements of regulatory authorities.
Environmental monitoring programs are tailored to the specific needs of our clients. The programs are site-specific and the objectives are related to client resources such as staff, time and finances. Development project monitoring programs are generally sequentially phased as follows:
- Pre-development baseline range of natural conditions.
- Post-construction monitoring.
- Validation monitoring (early operations).
- Operations phase monitoring.
- Post-abandonment monitoring.
All monitoring programs are designed, planned and implemented with a high level of scientific rigour to allow future comparison of the data. Sampling and processing methods are objective, repeatable and standardised such that different workers should produce similar results for a given sampling method.
Details of sampling, instrumentation and analytical techniques, and results are in line with accepted practice.
Consulting Services
EnviroGulf Consulting provides the following consulting services to clients:
- Monitoring: design, planning and execution of environmental monitoring programs.
- Collation, reduction, analyses and interpretation of environmental monitoring data.
- Determination of cause and effect relationships.
- Design of quality assurance/quality control plans for environmental monitoring programs.
- Training and induction of in-house environmental staff in environmental sampling and monitoring procedures.
- Special statistical treatment of environmental monitoring data:
- water quality trends.
- spatial and temporal trends in biota.
- bioaccumulation of metals and other contaminants.
- multivariate analyses to discern spatial and temporal relationships.
- Critical reviews of existing environmental and/or aquatic monitoring programs
- optimising monitoring programs to ensure that they are efficacious and more cost-effective.
- reviewing the number of sampling sites, types and frequency of sampling and the suite of environmental variable monitored.
- liaising with clients and the relevant regulatory authorities to conduct periodic reviews of existing environmental monitoring programs and modify them were applicable to improve their effectiveness.
Types of Monitoring
The following types of monitoring are catered for:
- Water quality monitoring.
- Compliance monitoring.
- Environmental health monitoring.
- Baseline monitoring.
- Reconnaissance monitoring to substantiate technical predictions made in environmental assessment documents (EIAs etc.).
- Problem-orientated monitoring.
- Toxicity monitoring.
- Biological monitoring.
Field Studies
Field studies can be made of existing discharges to receiving waters and biological observations related to environmental gradients of exposure concentration of the principal contaminants.
- water quality surveys and depth profiles.
- fisheries.
- benthic flora and fauna.
- eutrophication.
- chlorophyll a.
- productivity.
Physico-chemical monitoring :
- water quality.
- sediment quality.
- sequential extractions.
- elutriation tests.
Biological monitoring:
- Biosurveillance.
- Fish, macrophytes, algae, macroinvertebrates and micro-biological sampling and analyses.
- Biotic communities and assemblages:
- indicator organisms.
- diversity indices.
- health status indices.
- structural and functional attributes.
- multivariate analyses.
- Tissue residue monitoring:
- contaminant residues.
- bioconcentration.
- bioaccumulation.
- biomagnification.
Relevant Experience
The Principal of EnviroGulf Consulting has solid experience in the field of freshwater, estuarine and marine environmental monitoring, for example:
- Marine environmental monitoring reviews:
- Horn Island Environmental Monitoring Review, Torres Strait (for Queensland Department of Minerals & Energy).
- The design of marine biological monitoring programs for:
- Basslink Project (with NSR for Basslink Pty Limited).
- Ramu Nickel Project (with NSR for Highlands Pacific Limited).
- Misima Gold Project (with NSR for Placer Pacific).
- Lihir Gold Project (with NSR for Kennecott-Niugini Mining Joint Venture).
- Porgera Gold Project (with NSR for Porgera Joint Venture).
- Design, planning and execution of the construction phase aquatic biological monitoring program for Ok Tedi Mining Ltd (senior biologist for OTML), PNG.
- Water quality monitoring:
- Markham River, PNG (with Coffey for Wafi-Golpu Joint Veture).
- Sepik River, PNG (with Coffey for Frieda River Limited).
- Angabanga River, PNG (with NSR for Newmont Mining).
- River Derwent, Tas. (with NSR for Benders Civil Developments/ANM).
- Swan River estuary (with NSR for Camp Scott & Furphy for SECWA).
- Forested watershed streams of the Clarence, Richmond, Brunswick and Tweed river systems (to Margules Groome Pöyry for FCNSW).
- Scalp hair arsenic and mercury monitoring of people living along Strickland River and Lake Murray area (NSR/Porgera Joint Venture).
- See Principal's CV for others.
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