EnviroGulf Consulting |
![]() |
ABN 62 713 622 437 |
Nationality: |
Australian, EU |
Qualifications: |
B.A. Honours (Biology), University of Stirling, Scotland. |
Present Position: |
Director, EnviroGulf Consulting |
Affiliations: |
Member, MICA; Member, AusIMM; Member, IEEE; Member, CIGRE; Member, RSB; Member, SETAC-Au; Member, ACRS; Chartered Biologist, CBiol; Chartered Professional Environmental (CPEnv). |
Expertise areas: |
Project management; integrated environmental planning, management and troubleshooting; environmental management systems, environmental impact assessments; water quality and aquatic ecotoxicology; environmental monitoring; environmental audit and due diligence; ecological risk assessment; and environmental and peer reviews. |
Country experience: |
Australia, Denmark, Fiji, Germany, Ghana, Iraq, Laos, Malaysia, Mexico, New Caledonia, Norway, Papua New Guinea, The Netherlands, The Philippines, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, Sweden, United Arab Emirates and the United Kingdom. |
Speciality areas: |
Environmental troubleshooting; marine impacts of offshore oil and gas exploration and operations; aquatic biological impacts of oil and gas pipelines and LNG plants; aquatic biological impacts of mining wastes and wastewaters; marine biological impacts of ac and dc electromagnetic fields; critical appraisals of environmental management and monitoring programs; aquatic biological impacts of cyanides; peer reviews. |
Misima Gold Project (2022 - ongoing) - Peer review of freshwater ecology impact assessment, stratgeic advice and preparation of EIS text on nearshore ecology affected by sediment-laden creek outflows; Environmental impact assessment of Deep Sea Tailings Placement (DSTP) on mesopelgic and bathylepagic (water column) and bathyal environments (deep slope and sea bed benthic environemnts) and assessment of residual impacts of contaminants (residual cyanides and trace metals) to marine fauna (to Tetra Tech Coffey Pty Ltd for Kingston Resources Limited).[Mining]
Simberi Sulphide Gold Project (2020 - ongoing) - Assessment of existing oxide gold mining impacts on terrestrial, freshwater and marine environments, and prediction of residual marine ecological impacts of sulphide gold mining Deep Sea Tailings Placement (DSTP) on submarine slope, ocean floor and water column habitats, flora and fauna. Assistance in writing the Social and Environmental Impact Statement (SEIS) (for Ocean Sciences International to Simberi Gold Mining Company Limited).[Mining]
Marinus Link Project (2019 - ongoing) - Bass Strait underwater noise impact assessment of pre-construction marine geophysical survey equipment to Commonwealth marine fauna listed under the EPBC Act's matters of national environmental significance (MNES). Underwater noise sources included single- and multi-beam echosounders, side-scan sonars, seismic refraction airguns, sub-bottom profilers and survey vessel noise (to Coffey for Tasmanian Networks Pty Ltd).[Electric Industry]
Far North West Tasmania Aquaculture Project (2019 - ongoing) - Underwater noise impact assessment of a proposed finfish farming development in northwest Tasmania near Stanley Peninsula. Assessment of underwater noise generated by offshore salmon farm construction and operations and consequential acoustic damage, acoustic disturbance and physiological (auditory) impacts to marine fauna after mitigation and management measures have been implemented (to Petuna Aquaculture Pty Ltd).[Underwater Noise]
Wafi-Golpu Project (2016 - ongoing) - Peer reviews of baseline studies of freshwater ecology, marine ecology and ecosystems services. Assessments of residual freshwater ecology impacts of onshore pipeline construction and residual marine ecological impacts of Deep Sea Tailings Placement (DSTP) on Huon Gulf submarine slope, seabed and water column habitats, flora and fauna (for Coffey to Morobe Mining Wafi-Golpu JV). [Mining]
Nambonga Portal Decline Project (2018 - ongoing) - Review and assessment of suspended sediment loading of rivers downstream of construction activities for an underground mining portal, waste rock dumps, laydown areas, clay borrow pits, temporary stockpiling of soils and a new or upgraded road network and assessment of impacts on water quality and aquatic life (for Coffey Pty Ltd to WGJC Joint Venture, Papua New Guinea). [Mining]
Papua LNG Project (2016 - ongoing) - Review and gap analysis of Environmental Baseline Studies. Assessment of freshwater, estuarine and marine impacts of construction and operation of upstream facilities (central processing plant), onshore and offshore export gas pipeline and downstream facilities (LNG Plant) and assisting in the preparation of an environmental, social and health impact statement (ESHIA) (to ERIAS Group for Total Explorations and Production). [Oil & Gas]
Storm Bay Aquaculture Projects (2018) - Cumulative Underwater Noise Impact Assessment of Storm Bay Marine Farms in Relation to Southern Right Whales. Assessment of cumulative noise impacts from the construction and operation of three proposed salmon farms to migratory Southern Right Whales (Eubalaena australis) in Storm Bay, southeast Tasmania (with CBM Sustainable Design Pty Ltd for Huon Aquaculture Company Pty Ltd, Petuna Pty Ltd and Tassal Operations Pty Ltd). [Underwater Noise]
Western Storm Bay Aquaculture Project (2018) - Underwater Noise Impact Assessment in Relation to Southern Right Whales. Assessment of underwater noise generated by salmon farm construction and operations and consequential acoustic damage, acoustic disturbance and physiological (auditory) impacts to Southern Right Whales (Eubalaena australis) after mitigation and management measures have been applied (to Huon Aquaculture Pty Ltd). [Underwater Noise]
West-of-Wedge Island Aquaculture Project (2018) - Underwater Noise Impact Assessment in Relation to Southern Right Whales. Assessment of underwater noise generated by salmon farm construction and operations and consequential acoustic damage, acoustic disturbance and physiological (auditory) impacts to Southern Right Whales (Eubalaena australis) after mitigation and management measures have been applied (with CBM Sustainable Design Pty Ltd for Tassal Operations Pty Ltd). [Underwater Noise]
Storm Bay North Aquaculture Project (2018) - Underwater Noise Impact Assessment in Relation to Southern Right Whales. Assessment of underwater noise generated by salmon farm construction and operations and consequential acoustic damage, acosutic disturbance and physiological (auditory) impacts to Southern Right Whales (Eubalaena australis) after mitigation and management measures have been applied (with CBM Sustainable Design Pty Ltd for Petuna Aquaculture Pty Ltd. [Underwater Noise]
Sepik Development Project (2018) - Peer review and data gap analysis of freshwater ecology impact assessment of an Integrated Storage Facility (ISF) impoundment designed to receive mine tailings and waste rock, including an assessment of downstream impacts on aquatic ecology of receiving rivers and off-channel water bodies (to Coffey Environments Pty Ltd for Frieda River Limited). [Mining]
Sepik Development Project (2018) - Review of the behaviour and fate of particulate-associated, dissolved and monomeric aluminium species in circum-neutral freshwater environments. Including review of baseline water quality (aluminium types and concentrations) and toxicity of aluminium species to freshwater organisms. Development of chronic toxicity criteria applicable to compliance points in the Frieda and Sepik rivers downstream of the Frieda River Copper-Gold Project (to Coffey Environments Pty Ltd for Frieda River Limited). [Mining]
Sepik River Bioaccumulation Study (2018) - Project 2018b. Peer review and data gap analysis of proposed bioaccumulation and biomagnification study in relation to a screening level ecological risk assessment. Assessment of the behaviour, toxicity and fate of particulate and dissolved metals and metalloids on freshwater invertebrates and fish (to Coffey Environments Pty Ltd for Tetra Tech Centre for Ecological Sciences, Maryland USA). [Mining]
ArgoNautica Toll Ports Project; Berthing and Infrastructure (2018a) - Underwater noise impact assessment study of backhoe dredging, pile driving, drilling, hydrohammering, dredged material barges and tugs for upgrade of McGaw Wharf Berth No. 4, Port of Burnie. Report No. TR 186 (with ERIAS Group Pty Ltd for Argonatutica Toll). [Port Development & Underwater Noise]
ArgoNautica Toll Ports Project: Berthing and Infrastructure (2018b) - Underwater noise impact assessment study of backhoe dredging, onshore pile driving, drilling, concrete scour pad removal, dredged material barges and tugs for upgrade of Webb Dock East Berth No. 1, Port of Melbourne. Report No. TR 187 (with ERIAS Group Pty Ltd for Argonautica Toll). [Port Development & Underwater Noise]
Waisoi Copper and Gold Project, Fiji (2016 - 2017) - Review and gap analysis of existing baseline information. Environmental impact assessment of project construction and operations on riverine water quality and freshwater ecology (to Coffey for Newcrest (Fiji) Limited). [Mining]
Solwara 1 Project (2016) Underwater noise and vibration assessment and predicted acoustic damage and disturbance impacts on whales, dolphins, fish and sea snakes from a Seafloor Massive Sulphide (SMS) mining operation (to Nautilus Minerals, Inc.). [Mining]
Don Diego Phosphate Sands Project (2016) Literature review of loggerhead turtles (Caretta caretta) in the Gulf of Ulloa, Baja California Sur, Mexico in relation to the denial of environmental licence application for a phosphate sands mining project by the Mexican Secretary of Environment and Natural Resources (SEMARNAT) and providing advice and a letter report addressing SEMARNAT concerns about the potential impacts of dredging operations on sea turtles (to Odyssey Marine Exploration). [Mining]
Pasca A Development Project (2015 - 2016) - Integrated impact assessment of drill cutting disposal (five wells), wastewater discharges and underwater noise from an offshore gas processing platform with storage and offloading (FSO) vessels for condensate and liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) and gas reinjection on the local offshore sedimentology, water quality and marine biological environment in the Gulf of Papua (in association with ERIAS Group to Twinza Oil Limited). [Oil & Gas]
Elevala Gas Field Development Project EIS Review (2015) - Review of baseline hydrology, surface water quality and aquatic ecology of rivers and lakes, and assessment of environmental impacts and mitigation methods of Horizon Oil's Elevala Gas Field Development Project's Environmental Impact Statement (to Coffey Environments for PNG Department of Environment). [Oil & Gas]
Black River Gas Exploration Drilling Project (2015) Environmental Assessment and Management Plan (EAMP). Literature review to generate a species matrix of aquatic fauna likely to be present in the Black River and receiving Palmer River near the drilling site (to ERIAS Group Pty. Ltd. for Talisman Niugini Pty. Ltd and Repsol SA). [Oil & Gas]
Taenia Gas Exploration Drilling Project (2015) Environmental Assessment and Management Plan (EAMP). Literature review to generate a species matrix of aquatic fauna likely to be present in the Ok Ma tributaries near the drilling site (to ERIAS Group Pty. Ltd. for Talisman Niugini Pty. Ltd and Repsol SA). [Oil & Gas]
Ok Tedi Mine Pit Shell Variation (PSV) Project (2014 - 2015) - Review and assessment of the Riverine Aquatic Ecology Program for mine life extension and technical and textual inputs to the proposed Ok Tedi Environmental Management Act (OKTEMA) (to Coffey Environments for PNG Department of Environment and Conservation). [Mining]
Ok Tedi Mine Life Extension Project (2013) - Review and assessment of the appropriateness, completeness and certainty of predictions for future changes to fish biomass and diversity downstream of the Ok Tedi mine under mine life extension scenarios compared to closure in 2015 (to Coffey Environments for PNG Department of Environment and Conservation). [Mining]
The Narrows Crossing: Creek Section - QCLNG Project (2013) - Environmental impact assessment of leaving remnant bridge steel piles buried in situ within the Targinie and Humpy Creeks area of The Narrows Crossing: Creek Section (to McConnell Dowel Constructors (Aust) Pty Ltd and Consolidated Contracting Company Australia Pty Ltd Joint Venture (MCJV)). [Oil & Gas]
The Narrows Crossing: Marshland Section - QCLNG Project (2013) - Environmental impact assessment of remnant sheet piling buried in situ in a cofferdam right-of-way within Kangaroo Island wetland near Gladstone, Queensland (to McConnell Dowel Constructors (Aust) Pty Ltd and Consolidated Contracting Company Australia Pty Ltd Joint Venture (MCJV)). [Oil & Gas]
Morobe Chromite Project (2013) - Performing of a scoping study to determine investigations required for a future Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA) for a chromite, magnetite and olivine coastal mine in Morobe Province, Papua New Guinea (with ERIAS Group for Katana Iron Pty Ltd.[Mining]
West Qurna-2 Oilfield Development Project (2011 - 2012) - Treated Water Injection to the Dammam Formation: Preliminary Environmental Risk Asessment. Environmental effects of injecting treated produced waters and other aqueous wastewaters to the Dammam limestone formation in southeastern Iraq (to Coffey Environments for Technip Italy S.p.A). [Oil & Gas]
Badra Oilfield Development Project (2011) - Identification of natural and anthropogenic sources of radioactive materials (NORM, TENORM and depleted uranium) and baseline assessment of prevailing contaminant radiation levels in the Badra Oilfield Contract Area in Wassit Governorate, Iraq (to Coffey Environments for Gazprom Neft Badra B.V.). [Oil & Gas]
West Qurna-2 Oilfield Development Project (2010 - 2011) - Baseline assessments of soil, surface water and groundwater contamination from radionuclides (depleted uranium), hydrocarbons, metals, chemical warfare agents (sulphur mustard and tabun), exploded and unexploded ordnance, drill cuttings and drilling fluids, and salinisation in south-eastern Iraq (to Coffey Environments for LukOil). [Oil & Gas]
Frieda River Gold/Copper Project (2010 - 2011) - Provision of strategic and technical advice on an approach to the downstream environmental impact assessment of construction and mining operations; assessment of the aquatic environmental impacts of project construction, mining and hydro-electric dam operation on downstream aquatic habitats and biological communities (to Coffey Environments for Xstrata Frieda River Limited). [Mining]
PNG LNG Project (2008 - 2009) - Papua New Guinea Liquefied Natural Gas Project - assessment of environmental impacts on the hydrology, water quality and aquatic ecology of freshwater, estuarine and marine waters arising from upstream developments (gas production and conditioning, and onshore export gas pipeline) and downstream developments (LNG Plant and associated infrastructure)(to Coffey Natural Systems for Esso Highlands Ltd). [Oil & Gas]
Bell Bay Pulp Mill Project (2008) - Ecological risk assessment of wharf construction disturbance of contaminated estuarine bed sediments and the potential for contaminant release (to Gunns Limited). [Pulp & Paper]
Bell Bay Pulp Mill Project (2007) - Review of the behaviour, toxicity and fate of effluent-derived chlorate (ClO3-) in the marine environment, including an assessment of chlorate persistence and natural degradation processes (to Gunns Limited). [Pulp & Paper]
Bell Bay Pulp Mill Project (2007) - Environmental impact assessment of the likely effects of suspended bed sediments and underwater noise derived from marine construction and pile driving for a new pulp mill on benthic invertebrates, fish, fur seals, whales, dolphins and sea turtles, and an Atlantic salmon aquacultural facility (to Gunns Limited). [Pulp & Paper]
Bell Bay Pulp Mill Project Panel Inquiry (2006 - 2007) - Independent peer reviewer and expert witness to Freehills (a commercial law firm) in preparing its case for the Resource Planning and Development (RPDC) Panel Inquiry into the Draft Integrated Impact Statement (Draft IIS) for the Bell Bay Pulp Mill Project, Tasmania (to Freehills for Gunns Limited). [Pulp & Paper]
PNG Queensland Gas Pipeline Project (2006) - Critical review and edits of the Marine Survey Report on the Pipeline Route Alignment Options through the Warrior Reefs System in Torres Strait, Australia (to Enesar Consulting Pty Ltd for AGL Petronas Consortium). [Oil & Gas]
PNG Gas Project (2005 - 2006) - Environmental impact assessment of onshore pipelines and road construction on rivers, streams and lake water quality, aquatic biological communities and aquatic resource uses of the Kikori and Omati river systems. Assistance in the preparation of an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) for the onshore section of PNG Gas Project, Papua New Guinea (in association with Enesar Consulting to Esso Highlands Limited / ExxonMobil). [Oil & Gas]
Environmental Plan for 2-D Seismic Surveys, Bonaparte Basin (2005) - Environmental impact assessment, environmental risk assessment and the setting of environmental performance objectives, standards and criteria and implementation strategies for 2-D seismic surveys proposed in the Joseph Bonaparte Gulf, Western Australia. Work included the preparation of an EPBC Referral and an Environmental Plan for two exploration permit sites (in association with Enesar Consulting to Eni Australia Limited). [Oil & Gas]
Koniambo Nickel Project (2004-2005) - Phase I Sediment Impact Study: Assessment of the potential impacts of total suspended sediment (TSS) loads and concentrations on freshwater habitats and aquatic life, and formulation of TSS Effects Threshold Criteria for the protection of aquatic life (to Roche Limited Consulting Group for Falconbridge Nouvelle-Calédonie). [Mining]
Offshore Oil Production Facilities Environmental Upgrade (2003-2004) - Assessment of current oily waste and wastewater discharges from offshore oil and gas production, Gas and Oil Separation Plant (GOSP) and tie-in platforms and determination of compliance with local and international effluent and receiving water quality standards. Assessment also provided conceptual process engineering design solutions for platform upgrades in Saudi Aramco's Northern Area Oil Operations (NAOO) (in association with ABB Lummus Global B.V. to Saudi Consulting and Design Office (SCADO) for Saudi Aramco, Oil Facilities Planning Division). [Oil & Gas]
Offshore Seismic Program (2003) - Technical review, edit and contributions to Seafood Industry Victoria report on "Potential Effects of Seismic Noise on Southern Rock Lobster Larvae" from underwater noise generated by proposed offshore seismic surveys along the southwest coast of Victoria, Australia (to Santos Limited). [Oil & Gas]
Otway Drilling Project (2003) - Assessment of the effects of underwater noise from proposed offshore drilling and associated supply vessels and helicopters on cetaceans along the Bonney Coast upwelling off Victoria, Australia (to Santos Limited). [Oil & Gas]
Marine Impacts of AC Tone Generators (2003) - Assessment of the marine biological impacts of oscillating AC magnetic fields (and seawater-movement induced AC electric fields) generated by the use of 24-Hz AC Tone generators to locate, track and position subsea electric cables (to Enesar for Basslink Pty Ltd). [Oil & Gas]
Environmental Impact of Marine Electromagnetic Sounding (2003) - Assessment of the effects of underwater noise and ac electromagnetic fields on marine life (plants, invertebrates, fish, marine mammals, birds and sea turtles) from active electromagnetic (EM) sounding surveys (to Offshore Hydrocarbon Mapping Limited, Aberdeen, UK.). [Oil & Gas]
Basslink Project (2000-2003) - Assessment of construction environmental impacts of HVDC cable installation and sea electrode emplacement and operational environmental impacts (electric fields, magnetic fields, chlorine-produced oxidants and halogenated organic compounds, and heat generation) on marine water quality, flora, fauna and marine resource use (with NSR Environmental Consultants Pty. Ltd for Basslink Pty. Ltd.). [Electric Industry]
Sepon Gold Project (2001) - Environmental issues and sensitivities of the Sepon Gold Project, Sepon, Lao Peoples Democratic Republic. Review of aquatic environmental impact assessment for preparation of an Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA) (to NSR for Oxiana Resources NL). [Mining]
Marcopper Mines, Marinduque Island, Philippines (2001) - Post-spill Impact Assessment Summary Report. Review and technical edits and co-authorship of the summary report (with NSR Environmental Consultants for Placer Dome Technical Services (Philippines) Inc.).[Mining]
Morobe Gold Project (2000) - Assessment of riverine biological and aquatic resource use impacts of constructing an open cut gold mine and tailing storage facility (to NSR Environmental Consultants Pty. Ltd. for Morobe Goldfields Consolidated. [Mining]
Basslink Project (2000) - Site visit to transmission system operators of proposed and existing subsea high voltage DC interconnectors in Sweden, Norway, Denmark and The Netherlands and assessment of environmental effects on the marine environment (with NSR for National Grid International Limited). [Electric Industry]
Ramu Nickel Project (1998-99) - Riverine, coastal and deep-sea environmental impact of lateritic nickel mining wastes and wastewaters (to NSR Environmental Consultants Pty. Ltd. for Highlands Pacific Limited). [Mining]
Review of Ultrafiltration Technology for Marine Oily Water Separation (1998) - Research and development of marine oily-water separator based on ceramic membrane ultrafiltration technology (to Dr. Baer Verfahrenstechnik GmbH). [Oil & Gas]
Analysis of public submissions on the IFA process (1996) - Analysis of public submissions on the Interim Forest Assessment process in New South Wales and production of report. (to Resources and Conservation Assessment Council, NSW). [Forestry & Forest Products]
Sabbatical (1995). Aquatic Biological Pollution Research.
Queanbeyan and Badja Management Areas Environmental Impact Statement (1994) - Preparation of an EIS for proposed forestry operations in Queanbeyan and Badja Management Areas, southeast New South Wales (to State Forests of New South Wales). [Forestry & Forest Froducts]
BHP/Ok Tedi Mining Limited Legal Proceedings (1994) - Expert witness for BHP/Ok Tedi Mining Limited in relation to aquatic biological and resource effects of the Ok Tedi Copper/Gold Mine, Western Province, Papua New Guinea (to Arthur Robinson & Hedderwicks, Solicitors & Notaries for Ok Tedi Mining Limited). [Mining]
Nena Copper/Gold Prospect (1994) - Site visit report and review of environmental sensitivities and issues of the Nena Copper/Gold Prospect, northwest Papua New Guinea, including preparation of an aquatic biological and aquatic resource use baseline survey (to Environmental Management & Monitoring Pty. Ltd for Highlands Gold Limited, Papua New Guinea). [Mining]
Eden Management Area Environmental Impact Statement (1994) - Revision of draft Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) and preparation of a new EIS for forestry operations proposed in Eden Management Area, southeast New South Wales (to Margules Groome & Pöyry Pty. Ltd. for State Forests of New South Wales). [Forestry & Forest Froducts]
Environmental Applications (1994) - Reviews and report on potential environmental applications of patented technologies - electroflotation process for oily-water separation within the onshore and offshore oil and gas industry (for P&J Process Engineering Pty. Ltd.). [Forestry & Forest Froducts]
Tolukuma Gold Project (1993) - Assessment of the aquatic biological and resource use effects of mine-derived sediments entering the Angabanga River system, Papua New Guinea (to NSR Environmental Consultants Pty. Ltd. for Dome Resources). [Mining]
Horn Island Environmental Review (1993) - Assessment of trace metal concentration data for mangrove cockles (Polymedosa erosa) and marine sediments in relation to metal-contaminated runoff from a former gold mining site on Horn Island, Torres Strait (for Queensland Department of Minerals & Energy). [Mining]
Grafton Environmental Impact Statement (1994) - Assessment of aquatic environmental effects of road construction and timber harvesting in the Grafton Forest District of northern New South Wales (to Margules Groome & Pöyry Pty. Ltd for Forestry Commission of New South Wales). [Forestry & Forest Froducts]
Casino Environmental Impact Statement (1994) - Assessment of aquatic environmental effects of road construction and timber harvesting in the Casino and Murwillumbah Forest Districts of northern New South Wales (to Margules Groome & Pöyry Pty. Ltd for Forestry Commission of New South Wales). [Forestry & Forest Froducts]
Boral (SEPL) Environmental Impact Statement (1993) - Assessment of aquatic environmental effects of timber harvesting in the coastal region of northern New South Wales by Sawmillers Exports Pty. Ltd. (SEPL) (to Margules Groome & Pöyry Pty. Ltd. for BORAL Timber Division). [Forestry & Forest Froducts]
Torres Strait Baseline Study (1993) - Technical review, statistical analyses and interpretation of baseline results from the Torres Strait Scientific Baseline Program (to Ok Tedi Mining Limited, Papua New Guinea). [Mining]
Sansu Gold Project (1992) - Stage I review report for an open-pit mining runoff study for the Sansu Project at Obuasi, Ghana (to Ashanti Goldfields Corporation). [Mining]
Lihir Gold Project, Papua New Guinea (1991) - Lower Londolovit River Management Study. Assessment of the potential effects of regulated river flows likely to result from a water supply scheme on downstream aquatic biology, subsistence fisheries and land resources (with NSR Environmental Consultant Pty. Ltd. for Kennecott-Niugini Mining Joint Venture). [Mining]
Porgera Gold Mine (1991) - Critical appraisal of review by Department of Environment & Conservation (PNG) of the environmental baseline and compliance monitoring program of Porgera Gold Mine (to NSR Environmental Consultants Pty. Ltd. for Porgera Joint Venture). [Mining]
Kutubu Petroleum Development Project (1991) - Preparation of an environmental management and monitoring program for the Kutubu Petroleum Development Project, PNG (with NSR for Chevron Niugini Pty. Ltd.). [Oil & Gas]
Effects of Mining on the Ghanaian Environment (1991) - River environment impact assessments of five Ghanaian operating mines and formulation of guidelines for draft legislation to minimise the effects of new mining developments on the Ghanaian environment (with NSR for Minerals Commission, Government of Ghana). [Mining]
Vanimo-Aitape Road Project (1990) - Environmental impact assessment of construction-derived sediments from various road route options on coastal streams and rivers of West Sepik Province, PNG (with NSR for Maunsell Consultants, PNG). [Infrastructure]
Henty Gold Project (1990) - Environmental impact assessment of the effects of construction-derived sediments and residual cyanides on the Henty River and negotiation of discharge and ambient cyanide criteria (with NSR for RGC (Tasmania) Limited). [Mining]
East Perth Gasworks Site Rehabilitation (1990) - Planning and implementation of surveys for estuarine waters, bed sediments and associated fauna for environmental impact and risk assessment of polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons in groundwater and surface runoff from a former gasworks site contaminating the Swan River, Western Australia (with NSR for Camp. Scott & Furphy Pty. Ltd.). [Oil & Gas]
Kerimenge Gold Project (1990) - Preliminary environmental impact assessment of the effects of the proposed open cut gold mine at Kerimenge on Kwembu Creek and the Bulolo River system, Morobe Province, PNG (with NSR for Renison Goldfields Consolidated). [Mining]
Mount Victor Gold Mine (1990) - Assessment of the impact of residual cyanides on water quality and aquatic life, and giving technical advice on the use of hydrogen peroxide treatment for detoxifying cyanides in tailing supernatant prior to disposal to the receiving river system (with NSR for Niugini Mining Limited). [Mining]
Hidden Valley Gold Project Environmental Plan (1989) - Environmental impact assessment of potential river biological effects arising from the direct discharge of tailing and/or tailing supernatant (with NSR for CRA Gold Pty. Ltd.). [Mining]
ANM Boyer Pulp and Paper Mill (1989) - Analysis and interpretation of process effluent and metal residues in the River Derwent and environmental consequences of river dredging operations (with NSR for Benders Civil Developments Pty. Ltd.). [Pulp & Paper]
Mount Victor Gold Project Environmental Plan (1988) - Environmental impact assessment of constructing and operating a small gold mine in Eastern Highlands Province, PNG (with NSR for Niugini Mining Ltd.). [Mining]
Northshore Noosa Project Local Government Appeal (1988) - Sewage effluent management and assessment of water quality impacts on the Noosa River estuary from sewage effluent runoff from watering a proposed golf course and expert witness at legal proceedings (with NSR for Henderson Trout for Leisuremark Australia Pty Ltd.). [Infrastructure]
Northshore Noosa Project (1986) - Review of sewage effluent management options and assessment of potential water quality impacts on the Noosa River, Queensland (with NSR/Maunsell & Partners for Leisuremark Australia Pty,. Ltd). [Infrastructure]
Southern Forests Project (1986) - Assessment of ships' ballast and plant effluent disposal and associated discharge permits from an integrated flitch recovery sawmill and woodchip export facility near Geeveston, Tasmania (with NSR for Huon Forest Products Joint Venture). [Forestry & Forest Products]
Beaconsfield Gold Mine (1989) - Environmental assessment of the toxicity of cyanidation tailing and tailing pond cyanogenic supernatant and prediction of potential environmental effects on the Tamar Estuary, Tasmania (with NSR for John Miedecke & Partners Pty. Ltd.). [Mining]
Bukit Young Goldmine (1989) - Assessment of water and wastewater management, disposal and detoxification of cyanided gold mill and heap leach effluents from the Bukit Young Gold Mine, Sarawak, Malaysia (with NSR for Middle East Timber Company, Singapore). [Mining]
Port Moresby Industrial Port Study (1986) - Assessment of the marine biological effects of constructing and operating a proposed copper concentrate transhipment terminal within Port Moresby's Halifax Harbour (with NSR for PNG Harbours Board). [Mining]
Butler Transport Chemical Fire (1986) - Assessment of the impact and potential toxicity of leachate from contaminated soil remaining on site after clean-up operations on aquatic life in a tidal channel and Dynon Road Wildlife Reserve (with NSR Environmental Consultants Pty. Ltd.). [Infrastructure]
Misima Gold Project Environmental Plan (1985-86) - Assessment of the marine biological effects of at-depth marine tailing disposal and near-surface dumping of soft oxidised waste, on the basis of aeration-dilution and bioassay tests, field dump trials and predictions of waste transport and dispersion (with NSR for Placer (PNG) Pty. Limited). [Mining]
Porgera Gold Project Environmental Plan (1985-86) - Assessment of river biological effects of mill tailing and mine waste disposal, based on laboratory aeration-dilution and bioassay tests and river transport modelling (with NSR for Placer (PNG) Pty. Limited). [Mining]
King River Power Development (1985) - Assessment of lake environmental effects of different options for the control of acid mine drainage from Mt. Lyell Mine on a new hydro-electric storage in western Tasmania (with NSR for Hydro-electric Commission of Tasmania). [Mining]
Goonumbla Copper/Gold Project (1985) - Water quality review and revised program for the assessment of mine water and wastewater management options for Goonumbla Mine, Parkes, (NSW) (with NSR for Peko-Wallsend Ltd.). [Mining]
Established and operated a biological monitoring program for the Fly River system designed to measure the significant environmental impacts arising from the construction and operation of the Ok Tedi open cut gold/copper mine, Tabubil, Western Province, PNG.
Responsibilities included both laboratory and field experimentation in the areas of water quality assessment, physico-chemical and biological analyses of waters, biological monitoring, fisheries assessments, in situ toxicity testing, environmental ecotoxicology of trace metals and cyanides, and water pollution control. Pollutants at issue included metals (e.g., Cu, Pb, Cd and Cr) and residual cyanides in mill tailing discharges, and sediment waste from construction and mill tailing disposal.
An environmental impact study was also carried to assess the effects of proposals for an ocean port for the transhipment of copper concentrate from Daru, involving assessment of the effects of copper concentrates, dredge spoil sediments and accidental spillages of hydrocarbons on mangrove communities and tidal mud flats.
Responsible for contract research investigations of the long-term effects of oxidised sewage effluent containing heavy metals on experiment stream ecosystems. Contaminants at issue were cadmium, lead, chromium, nickel, copper and zinc. Studies included assessments of the long term effects on algae, macroinvertebrates and fish (eggs, larvae, juveniles and adults). Protracted in situ toxicity testing was carried out and related to water quality based on 15-minute water sampling.
Responsible for conducting long-term experiments on the ecotoxicological effects of metal-contaminated sewage effluent on algae and benthic macroinvertebrate communities resident in simulated stream ecosystems.
Balloch, D. (2018). Western Storm Bay Aquaculture Project: Underwater noise impact assessment in relation to migrating Southern Right Whales (Eubalaena australis) in Storm Bay, Southeast Tasmania. Technical Report No. TR192. Prepared by Enviroulf Consulting for Huon Aquaculture Pty Ltd. August 2018.
Balloch, D. and Dingemanse, S. (2018). West-of-Wedge Island Aquaculture Project: Underwater noise impact assessment in relation to migrating Southern Right Whales (Eubalaena australis) in Storm Bay, Southeast Tasmania. Report No. TR193. Prepared by EnviroGulf Consulting and CBM Sustainable Design Pty Ltd for Tassal Operations Pty Ltd. October 2018.
Balloch, D. and Dingemanse, S. (2018). Storm Bay North Aquaculture Project: Underwater noise impact assessment in relation to migrating Southern Right Whales (Eubalaena australis) in Storm Bay, Southeast Tasmania. Report No. TR194. Prepared by EnviroGulf Consulting and CBM Sustainable Design Pty Ltd for Petuna Aquaculture Pty Ltd. November 2018.
Balloch, D. and Dingemanse, S. (2018). Storm Bay Aquaculture Projects: Cumulative underwater noise impact Assessment of Storm Bay marine farms in relation to migrating Southern Right Whales (Eubalaena australis) in Storm Bay, Southeast Tasmania. Report No. TR191. Prepared by EnviroGulf Consulting and CBM Sustainable Design Pty Ltd for Huon Aquaculture Company Pty Ltd, Petuna Pty Ltd and Tassal Operations Pty Ltd. November 2018.
Balloch, D. (2018). Appendix Y: Freshwater Quality Impact Assessment. In: Environmental Impact Statement. Report 532-1208-EN-REP-0009-1.15. Prepared by EnviroGulf Consulting for Coffey Environments Australia Pty Ltd. March 2018.
Balloch, D. (2011). Environmental Impact Assessment of produced water injection to the Dammam Formation aquifer: Preliminary Risk Assessment. Lukoil West Qurna 2, Iraq. To Coffey Environments for Technip Italy S.p.A., June 2011.
Balloch, D. (2007). Review of the behaviour, toxicity and fate of effluent-derived chlorate (ClO3-) in the marine environment, including an assessment of chlorate persistence and natural degradation processes.Technical Report No. CR 001/3. Bell Bay Pulp Mill Project. July 2007.
Rogers, H., Balloch, D. and Tucker, N. (2005). White Paper - Side cast and Swamp Zone Issues. PNG Gas Project. Prepared by Booyong Forests Science, David Balloch & Associates Pty Ltd., and Biotropica Australia Pty Ltd for Enesar Consulting Pty Ltd and Esso Highlands Limited. September 2005.
Balloch, D. (1993). Aquatic environment survey. Supplementary Report, Grafton Management Area Environmental Impact Statement, Forestry Commission of New South Wales.
Balloch, D. (1993). Aquatic environment survey. Supplementary Report, Casino Management Area Environmental Impact Statement, Forestry Commission of New South Wales.
Balloch, D. (1985). Procedures for the toxicity testing and monitoring of mining wastewaters. Ok Tedi Mining Limited, Papua New Guinea. Technical Report No. PA/03/85-6.
Balloch, D. (1984). Optimisation of the hydrogen peroxide treatment of mine wastewaters containing residual cyanides. Ok Tedi Mining Limited, Papua New Guinea. Technical Report No. PA/03/84-30.
Balloch, D. (1984). The effects of particulate and dissolved copper on aquatic organisms. Ok Tedi Mining Limited, Papua New Guinea. Technical Report No. PA/03/84-29.
Balloch, D. (1984). The interim tailings system and waste disposal strategies - Environmental impact assessment. Ok Tedi Mining Limited, Papua New Guinea. Technical Report No. PA/03/84-23.
Balloch, D. (1984). Toxicity of cadmium and a review of water quality criteria. Ok Tedi Mining Limited, Papua New Guinea. Technical Report No. PA/03/84-13.
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Balloch, D. (1980). Effects of an oxidised sewage effluent on freshwater fisheries. Summary Report, University of Aston in Birmingham; 127 pp.
Balloch, D. (1973). Effects of a paper mill effluent on the water quality and biota of the River North Esk, Scotland. Technical Report to Lothians River Purification Board, Midlothian.
Balloch, D. Davies, C.D. and Jones, F.H. (1976). Biological assessment of water quality in three British Rivers: The North Esk (Scotland), the Ivel (England) and the Taf (Wales). Wat. Pollut. Control 75(1): 92-114.
Hortle, G.H., Balloch, D. and Maie, A.Y. (1990). Marine benthic fauna, sediment and trace metals near Daru Island, Western Province, Papua New Guinea. Science in New Guinea, 16(1): 1-12.
NOTE: Many reports are confidential to clients and, as such, may not published or referenced.