EnviroGulf Consulting

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Environmental Review

EnviroGulf Consulting provides an environmental review service to clients who wish to have their environmental management and monitoring programs critically appraised for relevance, comprehensiveness and credibility.

The main aim of the environmental review process is to appraise the validity and appropriateness of work performed and, as such, may be taken as a form of quality control. The environmental review involves collating all available information from company environmental reports and data summaries in order to check whether specific environmental programs are scientifically valid and that their implementation has been appropriate and timely, and that the results obtained are accurate and precise.

During the environmental review process, the original objectives and scope of work are re-appraised and the results from executed environmental programs are reviewed for relevance. In particular, current data-gathering activities are critically appraised for relevancy as follows:

EnviroGulf Consulting can review current work plans for specific projects. A review of the work plan also requires a clear identification of the environmental commitments and expectations that may be contained in agreements between a client and the regulatory authorities. Compliance of a client's operations within the existing regulatory framework will be a first point of reference for assessing the adequacy of environmental management and control measures.

Consulting Services

EnviroGulf Consulting offers the following services:


Finally, confidentiality is strictly enforced by EnviroGulf Consulting on all our clients' data and information volunteered to any members of our environmental review and audit team.

Relevant Experience

The following are examples of environmental reviews:

Please see the Principal's CV for further examples.




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