Environmental Sampling and Surveys
EnviroGulf Consulting is experienced in the full range of sampling methods and techniques used in the appraisal of aquatic biological communities for the purposes of surveillance and monitoring, trophic structure analysis, and contaminant assessment.
The assessment of the biological effects of contaminants and the determination of pathways of movements for contaminants in ecosystems requires examination of the resident fauna and flora to varying degrees of detail. Field sampling and laboratory analyses are essential to obtain site-specific data on the concentrations of contaminants in various biological compartments.
Consulting Services
EnviroGulf Consulting offers clients the following services:
- Advice on establishing and implementing aquatic biological field surveys, sampling and monitoring programs.
- Specialist advice on appropriate methods and techniques for sampling fish, macroinvertebrate and algal populations of freshwater, estuarine and marine ecosystems.
- Advice on statistical requirements of field sampling and monitoring.
Aquatic Biological Surveys
EnviroGulf Consulting subcontracts Australian or overseas subconsultants who specialise in the undertaking of site-specific aquatic biological sampling and surveys. The Principal of EnviroGulf Consulting has undertaken numerous algal, invertebrate and fish population and habitat surveys, and environmental baseline and monitoriing assessments:
Freshwater, estuarine and marine fisheries appraisals:
- fish sampling design and execution.
- fish population structure.
- species identification.
- tissue contaminant analyses and interpretation of residue data.
- application of sampling techniques.
- food web construction.
- gut content analyses.
- diversity analysis.
- fish kill analysis.
Fisheries management:
- fisheries potential.
- assessment of fish stock.
- catch and fishing effort data.
- catch-per-unit-effort.
- subsistence fisheries surveys.
- subsistence fish consumption surveys.
Marine surveys:
- benthic infauna and epifauna.
- intertidal infauna and epifauna.
- phytoplankton.
- seagrasses.
- zooplankton.
- dugongs.
- sea turtles.
- coastal dolphins.
- coliform bacteria.
- hard and soft coral reefs.
- benthic, reef, pelagic and demersal fish.
- mangrove macroinvertebrate and fish communities.
Relevant Experience
The Principal of EnviroGulf Consulting has implemented various aquatic biological monitoring programs, undertaken numerous field surveys, or conducted environmental monitoring reviews:
- Corals reefs: Simberi Island, PNG (OSC);Daru Island, PNG (OTML); Misima Island, PNG (NSR/Placer Pacific Mining); Lihir Island, PNG (NSR/ Kennecott-Niugini Mining).
- Tropical rivers: Tigris & Euphrates rivers, Iraq (Coffey/LUKOil); Fly River system, PNG (OTML); Kikori and Omati River systems (ExxonMobil/Esso Highlands Ltd.); Strickland River system, PNG (NSR/Porgera Joint Venture; Sepik River system (Frieda Copper); Sungei Bau, Malaysia (NSR/Middle East Timber Co.); Bulolo and Watut rivers, PNG (NSR/CRA Mining); Wafi Creek and Watut River (NSR/Elders Mining); Londolovit River (NSR/Kennecott-Niugini Mining JV); Ladolam Creek (NSR/Placer Pacific); Nam Kok-Xe Banghiang river system, Lao PDR (NSR/Oxiana Resources NL); Coco, Taléa, Pandanus, Feauchiamboue rivers, New Caledonia (Roche Limited/Falconbridge).
- Tropical lakes: Lake Murray, PNG (NSR/Porgera Joint Venture and OTML); Bosset Lagoon and Lakes Pangua and Daviumbu, PNG (OTML); various oxbow lakes (OTML) and Lake Kutubu, PNG (NSR/Chevron).
- Tropical estuaries: Fly River delta (OTML); Kikori River delta (ExxonMobil/Esso Highlands Ltd.); Purari River delta (ERIAS Group/TOTAL E&P PNG Limited); Noosa River estuary (NSR/Leisuremark Aust. Pty. Ltd.); Londolovit River estuary, PNG (NSR/Kennecott-Niugini Mining).
- Coastal mangroves: Daru and Bobo Islands, Fly River delta PNG (OTML); Markham River mouth and Labu Lakes (Coffey/Wafi-Golpu Joint Venture; Noosa River estuary, Queensland (NSR/Maunsell & Partners).
- Temperate rivers: Clarence, Richmond, Brunswick, Tweed and Wallagaraugh Rivers, NSW (Margules Groome Pöyry for State Forests of New South Wales); North Esk, Scotland (Forth Valley R.P.B.); River Severn, England; Rivers Tame, Cole and Blyth, West Midlands; River Tean, Staffordshire (University of Aston); Rivers Wye, Ithon and Ebbw, Wales (University of Aston in Birmingham); artificial stream (mesocosm) research (UK, Applied Hydrobiology Research Station); Tamar River, Tasmania (Gunns Limited)
- Temperate lakes: Packington Reservoir, Birmingham; Lake Windermere, Cumbria.
- Temperate estuaries: Firths of Forth and Tay (University of Stirling); Swan River estuary, Perth (NSR/Camp, Scott & Furphy); River Derwent and Huon, Tas. (NSR/ANM and NSR/Huon Forest Products).
Please see the Principal's CV for further information.
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