Independent Expert Witness & Peer Reviewer |
Independent Expert Witness & Peer Reviewer
The Principal of EnviroGulf Consulting offers independent reviews of project documents, such as Environmental Impact Statements (EISs), environmental baseline sampling plans, and construction or operations Environmental Management Plans (EMPs) etc. These services are based on the Principal's 40+ years local and international experience in environmental impact assessments of natural resource projects.
Consulting Services
The following consulting services are provided to private and government clients:
- Environmental reviews and critical appraisals of Environmental Inception Reports (EIRs), Environmental Plans (EPs), Environmental Impact Assessments (EIAs), Environmental, Social and Health Impacts Assessments (ESHIA), Environmental Impact Statements (EISs), Environmental Management and Monitoirng Programs (EMMPs), etc.
- Gap analyses of the abovementioned environmental assessment documents for compliance with Equator Principles and World Bank and International Finance Corporation (IFC) performance standards.
- Expert witness in legal cases assessing project environmental impacts and ecological risk assessments.
Relevant Experience
The Principal's experience is summarised separately for expert witness and peer review assignments.
Expert Witness (legal cases)
The Principal of EnviroGulf Consulting has undertaken the following assignments:
- Bell Bay Pulp Mill Project Panel Inquiry (2006 - 2007) - Witness Statement: Independent peer reviewer and expert witness to Freehills (a commercial law firm) in preparing its case for the Resource Planning and Development (RPDC) Panel Inquiry into the Draft Integrated Impact Statement (Draft IIS) for the Bell Bay Pulp Mill Project, Tasmania (to Freehills for Gunns Limited) and include the appendices:
- Witness Statement Appendix 1 - David Balloch - curriculum vitae.
- Witness Statement Appendix 2 - Residual Impacts of Water Supply Pipeline Construction at the River Tamar Crossing (to Freehills for Gunns Limited).
- Witness Statement Appendix 3 - Residual Impacts of Wharf Facility - Construction and Operations (to Freehills for Gunns Limited).
- Witness Statement Appendix 4 - Construction Impacts of the Effluent Pipeline Crossing of Donovans Bay (to Freehills for Gunns Limited).
- Witness Statement Appendix 5 - Residual Impacts of Marine Construction (to Freehills for Gunns Limited).
- Witness Statement Appendix 6 - Residual Impacts of the Effluent Discharge Within the Mixing Zone (to Freehills for Gunns Limited).
- BHP/Ok Tedi Mining Limited Legal Proceedings (1994) - Expert witness for BHP/Ok Tedi Mining Limited in relation to aquatic biological and resource effects of the Ok Tedi Copper/Gold Mine, Western Province, Papua New Guinea (to Arthur Robinson & Hedderwicks, Solicitors & Notaries for Ok Tedi Mining Limited).
- Northshore Noosa Project (1986) - Peer review of sewage effluent management options and assessment of potential water quality impacts on the Noosa River, Queensland (with NSR/Maunsell & Partners for Leisuremark Australia Pty,. Ltd).
Peer Reviews
The Principal of EnviroGulf Consulting has undertaken the following peer review assignments:
- Misima Gold Project (2022 - ongoing) - Peer review of freshwater marine ecology impact assessment, strategic advice and preparation of EIS text on nearshore ecology affected by sediment-laden creek outflows (to Tetra Tech Coffey Pty Ltd for Kingston Resources Limited).
- Deep Ocean Polymetallic Nodule Mining Project (2022) - Reviews of ambient background sound and preparation of a preliminary underwater noise and vibration impact assessment for the NORI-D Contract Area Draft Environmental Impact Satement. Clarion-Clipperton Zone (CCZ), Central Pacific Ocean (to The Metals Company Limited).
- Simberi Sulphide Gold Project (2020 - 2021) - Review and gap analysis of mine waste and wastewater management and disposal and assessment of existing oxide gold mining impacts on terrestrial, freshwater and marine environments, and prediction of residual marine ecological impacts of sulphide gold mining Deep Sea Tailings Placement (DSTP) on submarine slope, ocean floor and water column habitats, flora and fauna. Assistance in writing the Social and Environmental Impact Statement (SEIS) (for Ocean Sciences International to Simberi Gold Mining Company Limited).
- Wafi-Golpu Project (2016 - 2017) - Peer reviews of baseline studies of freshwater ecology, marine ecology and ecosystems services. Assessments of residual freshwater ecology impacts of onshore pipeline construction and residual marine ecological impacts of Deep Sea Tailings Placement (DSTP) on Huon Gulf submarine slope, seabed and water column habitats, flora and fauna (for Coffey to Wafi-Golpu Joint Venture).
- Papua LNG Project (2016 - 2017) - Review and gap analysis of Environmental Baseline Studies. Assessment of freshwater, estuarine and marine impacts of construction and operation of upstream facilities (central processing plant), onshore and offshore export gas pipeline and downstream facilities (LNG Plant) and assisting in the preparation of an environmental, social and health impact statement (ESHIA) (to ERIAS Group for Total Exploration and Production, PNG).
- Ok Tedi Mine Pit Shell Variation (PSV) Project (2014 - 2015) - Expert peer review and assessment of the Riverine Aquatic Ecology Program for mine life extension and technical and textual inputs to the proposed Ok Tedi Environmental Management Act (OKTEMA) (to Coffey Environments for PNG Department of Environment and Conservation).
- Elevala Gas Field Development Project EIS Review (2015) - Expert review of baseline hydrology, surface water quality and aquatic ecology of rivers and lakes, and assessment of environmental impacts and mitigation methods of Horizon Oil's Elevala Gas Field Development Project's Environmental Impact Statement (to Coffey Environments for PNG Department of Environment and Conservation).
- Black River Gas Exploration Drilling Project (2015) - Environmental Assessment and Management Plan (EAMP). Literature review to generate a species matrix of aquatic fauna likely to be present in the Black River and receiving Palmer River near the drilling site (to ERIAS Group Pty. Ltd. for Talisman Niugini Pty. Ltd and Repsol SA).
- Taenia Gas Exploration Drilling Project (2015) - Environmental Assessment and Management Plan (EAMP). Literature review to generate a species matrix of aquatic fauna likely to be present in the Ok Ma tributaries near the drilling site (to ERIAS Group Pty. Ltd. for Talisman Niugini Pty. Ltd and Repsol SA).
- Ok Tedi Mine Life Extension Project (2013) - Review and assessment of the appropriateness, completeness and certainty of predictions for future changes to fish biomass and diversity downstream of the Ok Tedi mine under mine life extension scenarios compared to closure in 2015 (to Coffey Environments for PNG Department of Environment and Conservation).
- PNG LNG Project (2008 - 2009) - Papua New Guinea Liquefied Natural Gas Project - Peer review of environmental impacts on the hydrology, water quality and aquatic ecology of freshwater, estuarine and marine waters arising from upstream developments (gas production and conditioning, and onshore export gas pipeline) and downstream developments (LNG Plant and associated infrastructure)(to Coffey Natural Systems for Esso Highlands Ltd).
- PNG Queensland Gas Pipeline Project (2006) - Critical review and edits of the Marine Survey Report on the Pipeline Route Alignment Options through the Warrior Reefs System in Torres Strait, Australia (to Enesar Consulting Pty Ltd for AGL Petronas Consortium).
- Offshore Oil Production Facilities Environmental Upgrade (2003-2004) - Peer review and assessment of current oily waste and wastewater discharges from offshore oil and gas production, Gas and Oil Separation Plant (GOSP) and tie-in platforms and determination of compliance with local and international effluent and receiving water quality standards. Assessment also provided conceptual process engineering design solutions for platform upgrades in Saudi Aramco's Northern Area Oil Operations (NAOO) (in association with ABB Lummus Global B.V. to Saudi Consulting and Design Office (SCADO) for Saudi Aramco, Oil Facilities Planning Division).
- Offshore Seismic Program (2003) - Technical review, edit and contributions to Seafood Industry Victoria report on "Potential Effects of Seismic Noise on Southern Rock Lobster Larvae" from underwater noise generated by proposed offshore seismic surveys along the southwest coast of Victoria, Australia (to Santos Limited).
- Horn Island Environmental Review (1993) - Peer review and assessment of trace metal concentration data for mangrove cockles (Polymedosa erosa) and marine sediments in relation to metal-contaminated runoff from a former gold mining site on Horn Island, Torres Strait (for Queensland Department of Minerals & Energy).
- Torres Strait Baseline Study (1993) - Peer and technical review, statistical analyses and interpretation of baseline results from the Torres Strait Scientific Baseline Program (to Ok Tedi Mining Limited, Papua New Guinea).
Please see the Principal's CV for further examples.
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