A principal area of expertise of EnviroGulf Consulting lies in preparing environmental impact assessments for the oil and gas industry in association with other environmental consultants by offering complementary specialist inputs.EnviroGulf Consulting offers clients in the oil and gas industry an environmental consulting service based on the Principal's local and international experience in this field
The Principal of EnviroGulf Consulting has a long association with the oil and gas industry, having been initialy employed within the industry (1970-1971) as well as having undertaken over 23 consulting and trouble-shooting assignments for oil and gas projects and operations in Australia (9 projects), Germany (1), Iraq (3), Papua New Guinea (8), Saudi Arabia (1) and the United Kingdom (1).
Oil Industry
EnviroGulf Consulting provides consulting service to the oil industry (development projects, field operations, refineries, and petrochemical complexes) in the following areas.
Onshore Construction and Operations
Environmental assessment and evaluation of the following:
- Assessment and evaluation of the aquatic environmental effects of onshore oil and gas developments and operations.
- Construction impacts of linear infastructure (e.g., roads and pipeline corridors) and development sites (e.g., plant sites, laydowns, quarried etc.) on the aquatic environment.
- Impacts of drilling mud disposal on the aquatic environment.
- Impacts of construction-derived fugitive sediments in surface runoff and receiving riverine environments and evaluation of impacts on freshwater quality and aquatic flora and fauna.
- Impacts of onshore oil and gas operations on the aquatic environment.
- Impacts of discharges of treated or untreated surface drainage and produced waters on receiving river water quality and ecotoxicologcal impacts on aquatic flora and fauna.
- Environmental hazard and risk analysis:
- Hazard identification
- Hazard scenarios
- Risk identification (hazard, risk and environmental consequences)
- Risk treatment (assessment, safeguards and mitigation)
- Risk analysis (likelihood and impact)
- Risk evaluation (risk ranking)
- Risk reduction measures
- Environmental hazard and risk assessment
- Screening environmental analyses and ranking of siting options.
- Environmental monitoring: design, implementation and execution of programs.
- Environmental reviews.
Offshore Construction and Operations
Environmental impact assessment and evaluation of the following:
- Impacts of seabed excavation and installation of subsea pipelines on marine water quality and marine biological communities.
- Impacts of offshore oil and gas drilling rigs or ships, including assessments of drilling muds and other drilling wastes, noise, hydrogen sulphide, treated sewage effluent, contaminated deck drainage, nighttime lighting and anchor damage.
- Environmental impacts of operating oil and gas production platforms, gas and oil separation plant (GOSP) complex individual platforms and tie-in platforms.
- Assessments of operational treated and untreated discharges:
- Deck drainage and slops systems
- Produced water
- Bilge and Ballast Water
- Storage displacement water
- Well-treatment fluids
- Produced sands
- Flareline fluids
- Operational oil spillages
- Seabed impacts arising from offshore platform operations, e.g., hydrocarbon contamination of water, sediments and biota.
- Assessment of marine oily water discharges.
- Impacts arising from the decommissioning of offshore pipelines and platforms.
- Impacts of oil and gas port site developments.
- Impacts of biofouling and introduction of exotic flora and fauna pests.
- Environmental hazard and risk analysis:
- Hazard identification
- Hazard scenarios
- Risk identification (hazard, risk and environmental consequences)
- Risk treatment (assessment, safeguards and mitigation)
- Risk analysis (likelihood and impact)
- Risk evaluation (risk ranking)
- Risk reduction measures
- Environmental hazard and risk assessment
- Environmental auditing - Waste Management Audits and Waste Audits of offshore oil and gas production platforms and assessment of adherence to local and international environmental compliance standards.
- Underwater noise impacts assessments including 2-D and 3-D seismic survey-generated noise fields.
- Impacts associated with decommissioning pipelines and platforms on the marine environment.
- Oil and gas port site developments.
- Assessment and evaluation of environmental upgrade options for offshore oil and gas production facilities, including risk analysis and priorities for implementation sequence.
- Environmental monitoring: design, implementation and execution of programs.
- Environmental reviews.
Oil and Chemical Spills
Large oil or chemical spills as well as chronic exposure to frequent small spills and oily wastewater disposal may have an adverse impact on receiving water ecosystems. EnviroGulf Consulting conducts oil and chemical pollution studies and contingency planning on behalf of clients which comprise environmental assessments of specific situations or in a range of oil or chemical spill scenarios:
- Assessment and evaluation of marine environmental effects of oil/chemical spills predicted from spill trajectory analyses.
- Environmental effects of oil/chemical spills to inland receiving waters.
- Environmental effects of oil/chemical spill cleanup measures.
- Environmental input to oil and chemcial spill contingency planning:
- ecological resource baseline.
- prioritisation and ranking of vulnerable or sensitive resources.
- coastal pelagic and demersal fisheries.
- benthic fauna and flora.
- coastal mangrove resources.
- Field environmental surveys and mapping of resource values potentially at risk.
- Environmental input to oil spill contingency planning and preparing marine environmental sensitivity index (ESI) maps.
Gas Industry
EnviroGulf Consulting provides consulting services to the gas industry (development projects, field operations, gasification plants, and contaminated sites) in the following areas.
- Environmental impact assessment and evaluation of:
- Liquid Natural Gas (LNG) Plants - construction and operations.
- Gas Conditioning Plants - construction and operations.
- Shore-crossings and offshore gas pipline construction and installation.
- Disposal and fate of pipeline-testing hydrotest waters and treatment chemicals.
- Hydrocarbon contaminated wastewater discharges to receiving water ecosystems.
- Marine discharges from Gas Compression Platforms/Gas Gathering Platforms (GCP/GGP).
- Onshore LNG plant and gas pipeline construction and operational impacts on receiving waters.
- Surface water contamination from sites of former gasification plants.
Relevant Experience
Relevant experience of the Principal of EnviroGulf Consulting follows:
- Papua LNG Project (2016 - 2017) - Review and gap analysis of Environmental Baseline Studies. Assessment of freshwater, estuarine and marine impacts of construction and operation of upstream facilities (central processing plant), onshore and offshore export gas pipeline and downstream facilities (LNG Plant) and assisting in the preparation of an environmental, social and health impact statement (ESHIA) (to ERIAS Group for Total Exploration and Production, PNG).
- Pasca A Development Project (2015 - 2016) - Integrated impact assessment of drill cutting disposal (five wells), wastewater discharges and underwater noise from an offshore gas processing platform with floating storage and offloading (FSO) vessels for condensate and liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) on local offshore water quality and marine biological environment in the Gulf of Papua (in association with ERIAS Group to Twinza Oil Limited).
- Elevala Gas Field Development Project EIS Review (2015) - Review of baseline hydrology, surface water quality and aquatic ecology of rivers and lakes, and assessment of environmental impacts and mitigation methods of Horizon Oil Elevala Gas Field Development Project Environmental Impact Statement (to Coffey Environments for PNG Department of Environment and Conservation).
- Black River Gas Exploration Drilling Project (2015) - Environmental Assessment and Management Plan (EAMP). Literature review to generate a species matrix of aquatic fauna likely to be present in the Black River and receiving Palmer River near the drilling site (to ERIAS Group Pty. Ltd. for Talisman Niugini Pty. Ltd and Repsol SA).
- Taenia Gas Exploration Drilling Project (2015) - Environmental Assessment and Management Plan (EAMP). Literature review to generate a species matrix of aquatic fauna likely to be present in the Ok Ma tributaries near the drilling site (to ERIAS Group Pty. Ltd. for Talisman Niugini Pty. Ltd and Repsol SA).
- The Narrows Crossing: Creek Section - QCLNG Project (2013) - Environmental impact assessment of leaving remnant bridge steel piles buried in situ within the Targinie and Humpy Creeks area of The Narrows Crossing: Creek Section (to McConnell Dowel Constructors (Aust) Pty Ltd and Consolidated Contracting Company Australia Pty Ltd Joint Venture (MCJV)).
- The Narrows Crossing: Marshland Section - QCLNG Project (2013) - Environmental impact assessment of remnant sheet piling buried in situ in a cofferdam right-of-way within Kangaroo Island wetland near Gladstone, Queensland (to McConnell Dowel Constructors (Aust) Pty Ltd and Consolidated Contracting Company Australia Pty Ltd Joint Venture (MCJV)).
- West Qurna-2 Oilfield Development Project (2011 - 2012) - Treated Water Injection to the Dammam Formation: Preliminary Environmental Risk Assessment. Environmental effects of injecting treated produced waters and other aqueous wastewaters to the Dammam limestone formation in southeastern Iraq (to Coffey Environments for Technip Italy S.p.A).
- Badra Oilfield Development (2011) - Identification of natural and anthropogenic sources of radioactive materials (NORM, TENORM and depleted uranium) and baseline assessment of prevailing contaminant radiation levels in the Badra Oilfield Contract Area in Wassit Governorate, Iraq (to Coffey Environments for Gazprom Neft Badra B.V.).
- West Qurna 2 Oilfield Development Project (2010 - 2011) - Baseline assessments of soil, surface water and groundwater contamination from radionuclides (depleted uranium), hydrocarbons, metals, chemical warfare agents (sulphur mustard and tabun), exploded and unexploded ordnance, drill cuttings and drilling fluids, and salinisation in south-eastern Iraq (to Coffey Environments for LukOil).
- PNG LNG Project (2008 - 2009) - Papua New Guinea Liquefied Natural Gas Project - assessment of environmental impacts on the hydrology, water quality and aquatic ecology of freshwater, estuarine and marine waters arising from upstream developments (gas production and conditioning, and onshore export gas pipeline) and downstream developments (LNG Plant and associated infrastructure)(to Coffey Natural Systems for Esso Highlands Ltd).
- PNG Queensland Gas Pipeline Project (2006) - Critical review and edits of the Marine Survey Report on the Pipeline Route Alignment Options through the Warrior Reefs System in Torres Strait, Australia (to Enesar Consulting Pty Ltd for AGL Petronas Consortium).
- PNG Gas Project (2005 - 2006) - Construction and Operations Phases: Water Quality and Sedimentation Management Study. Environmental impact assessment of pipeline and road construction on rivers, streams and lake water quality, aquatic biological communities and aquatic resource uses of the Kikori and Omati river systems. Assistance in the preparation of an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) and Environmental Management Plan (EMP) for the onshore section of PNG Gas Project, Papua New Guinea (in association with Enesar Consulting to Esso Highlands Limited / ExxonMobil).
- Environmental Plan for 2-D Seismic Surveys, Bonaparte Basin (2005) - Environmental impact assessment, environmental risk assessment and the setting of environmental performance objectives, standards and criteria and implementation strategies for 2-D seismic surveys proposed in the Joseph Bonaparte Gulf, Western Australia. Work included the preparation of an EPBC Referral and an Environmental Plan for two exploration permit sites (in association with Enesar Consulting to Eni Australia Limited).
- Offshore Oil Production Facilities Environmental Upgrade (2003-2004) - Assessment of current oily waste and wastewater discharges from offshore oil and gas production, Gas and Oil Separation Plant (GOSP) and tie-in platforms and determination of compliance with local and international effluent and receiving water quality standards. Assessment also provided conceptual process engineering design solutions for platform upgrades in Saudi Aramco's Northern Area Oil Operations (NAOO) (in association with ABB Lummus Global B.V. to Saudi Consulting and Design Office (SCADO) for Saudi Aramco, Oil Facilities Planning Division).
- Offshore Seismic Program (2003) - Technical review, edit and contributions to Seafood Industry Victoria report on "Potential Effects of Seismic Noise on Southern Rock Lobster Larvae" from underwater noise generated by proposed offshore seismic surveys along the southwest coast of Victoria, Australia (to Santos Limited).
- Otway Drilling Project (2003) - Assessment of the effects of underwater noise from proposed offshore drilling and associated supply vessels and helicopters on cetaceans along the Bonney Coast upwelling off Victoria, Australia (to Santos Limited).
- Environmental Impact of Marine Electromagnetic Sounding (2003) - Assessment of the effects of underwater noise and ac electromagnetic fields on marine life (plants, invertebrates, fish, marine mammals, birds and sea turtles) from active electromagnetic (EM) sounding surveys (to Offshore Hydrocarbon Mapping Limited, Southampton, UK.).
- Review of Ultrafiltration Technology for Marine Oily Water Separation (1998) - Research and development of marine oily-water separator based on ceramic membrane ultrafiltration technology (to Dr. Baer Verfahrenstechnik GmbH).
- Environmental Applications (1994) - Reviews and report on potential environmental applications of patented technologies - electroflotation process for oily-water separation within the onshore and offshore oil and gas industry (for P&J Process Engineering Pty. Ltd.).
- Kutubu Petroleum Development Project (1991) - Preparation of an environmental management and monitoring program for the Kutubu Petroleum Development Project, PNG. Project included preliminary planning and prediction of environmental effects on mangroves from potential oil spills from a marine terminal facility (with NSR for Chevron Niugini Pty. Ltd.).
- East Perth Gasworks Site Rehabilitation (1990) - Planning and implementation of surveys for estuarine waters, bed sediments and associated fauna for environmental impact and risk assessment of polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons in groundwater and surface runoff from a former gasworks site contaminating the Swan River, Western Australia (with NSR for Camp. Scott & Furphy Pty. Ltd.).
- Southern Forests Project (1986) - Assessment of ships' ballast and plant effluent disposal and associated discharge permits from an integrated flitch recovery sawmill and woodchip export facility near Geeveston, Tasmania (with NSR for Huon Forest Products Joint Venture).
- Port Moresby Industrial Port Study (1986) - Assessment of the marine biological effects of constructing and operating a proposed copper concentrate transshipment terminal within Port Moresby's Halifax Harbour. Included assessment of minor operational hydrocarbon spills and accidental oil spills (with NSR for PNG Harbours Board).
- Decommissioning Bass Strait Platforms (1986) - Environmental impact assessment of decommissioning oil production platforms in Bass Strait (with NSR for Esso).
- Cumulative eight month's hands-on undergraduate experience at British Petroleum Refinery Ltd. and British Petroleum (UK) Chemicals Ltd., Grangemouth, Scotland.
Please see the Principal's CV for project details.
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