EnviroGulf Consulting

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ABN 62 713 622 437

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Example types of offshore Arabian Gulf platforms audited
EnviroGulf Consulting


Typical single well oil production platform in the Arabian Gulf

Typical six well oil production platform in the Arabian Gulf

Typical gas oil separation plant (GOSP) offshore platform in the Arabian Gulf

Typical tie-in offshore platform in the Arabian Gulf




A principal area of expertise of EnviroGulf Consulting lies in preparing environmental impact assessments for the oil and gas industry in association with other environmental consultants by offering complementary specialist inputs.EnviroGulf Consulting offers clients in the oil and gas industry an environmental consulting service based on the Principal's local and international experience in this field

The Principal of EnviroGulf Consulting has a long association with the oil and gas industry, having been initialy employed within the industry (1970-1971) as well as having undertaken over 23 consulting and trouble-shooting assignments for oil and gas projects and operations in Australia (9 projects), Germany (1), Iraq (3), Papua New Guinea (8), Saudi Arabia (1) and the United Kingdom (1).

Oil Industry

EnviroGulf Consulting provides consulting service to the oil industry (development projects, field operations, refineries, and petrochemical complexes) in the following areas.

Onshore Construction and Operations

Environmental assessment and evaluation of the following:

Offshore Construction and Operations

Environmental impact assessment and evaluation of the following:


Oil and Chemical Spills

Large oil or chemical spills as well as chronic exposure to frequent small spills and oily wastewater disposal may have an adverse impact on receiving water ecosystems. EnviroGulf Consulting conducts oil and chemical pollution studies and contingency planning on behalf of clients which comprise environmental assessments of specific situations or in a range of oil or chemical spill scenarios:

Gas Industry

EnviroGulf Consulting provides consulting services to the gas industry (development projects, field operations, gasification plants, and contaminated sites) in the following areas.


Relevant Experience

Relevant experience of the Principal of EnviroGulf Consulting follows:

Please see the Principal's CV for project details.




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